An authentication model towards cloud federation in the enterprise

In the realm of cloud computing, the architecture is crucial for security and performance, impacting service providers, enterprise solutions, and marketplace applications. Despite the potential of marketplace applications to enhance business functionality, a significant hurdle is their formal adoption due to performance concerns, especially for applications like Lync Server, SAP, SharePoint, and Exchange Server. Building on prior work optimizing OAuth 2.0, this research extends to include identity federation in the marketplace. Provisioning steps are introduced to establish trust among enterprise applications, Authorization Servers, and clients, utilizing referral tokens for federation across organizations. Trust provisioning as a prerequisite to authentication and the use of referral tokens are validated through a real-life case study and simulation test.

Navigating OAuth Evolution in Enterprise Cloud Integration

In the world of enterprise Cloud computing, a key challenge is seamlessly integrating Marketplace applications, whether hosted in dedicated or shared tenancy. Balancing the twin imperatives of security and performance, the OAuth protocol emerges as a frontrunner. Initially hindered by challenges, OAuth 2.0 evolved with industry recommendations like OAuth WRAP, introducing an autonomous Authorization Server. We explain the dynamic landscape of OAuth’s journey, emphasizing the pivotal role it plays in orchestrating secure third-party access.

Streamlining OAuth 2.0 for Enterprise Resilience

Past endeavours in optimizing OAuth 2.0 laid the groundwork by provisioning Authorization Servers with explicit authorization tables, bolstering security and reducing potential threats. This optimization, extending the parameters of OAuth authorization requests, resulted in more efficient interactions. Building on these strides, the research now extends its gaze to the realm of Marketplace applications. By addressing the challenges through the introduction of referral tokens, we address the ongoing efforts to streamline OAuth 2.0 for robust enterprise resilience.

Unveiling Marketplace Integration: OAuth 2.0 and Beyond

Within the evolving landscape of Cloud computing, the intersection of OAuth 2.0 and Marketplace integration takes center stage. The paper delves into the motivations propelling the rise of Marketplace as a service, introduces the optimized OAuth 2.0 enhancements, and sheds light on experiments validating the research findings. By determining the dynamics between OAuth 2.0 and Marketplace applications, we offer a comprehensive understanding of the driving forces behind the evolution of Cloud integration strategies